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AVA Trio is returning to Prague two years later, bringing their fresh album The Great Green in two sets in Klub Letka.


Čas a místo

02. 5. 2024 20:00 – 22:00

Praha 7, Letohradská 44, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Česko

O události

AVA Trio consists of Giuseppe Doronzo from Italy on baritone saxophone, mizmar, hulus, sola; Esat Ekincioglu from Turkey on double bass; and Pino Basile on frame drums and cupaphone.

After successful past years with more than 120 concerts throughout China and Europe, three critically acclaimed albums and a highly praised showcase at Jazzahead 2023; AVA Trio sets sail back in time in the Mediterranean. Their fourth album "The Great Green" is released on March 8, 2024 on Tora Records - an epic in Ancient Greece; an era where the colour "blue" did not exist. AVA Trio stretches the boundaries of jazz, improvised and maqam music, creating a unique approach we define as "Mediterranean Avantgarde"

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